
StillVision Abroad - Aquaid Lifeline Part2, Malawi

Aside from the huge amount of energy that goes into putting orphaned children through school, housing those without any family at all and feeding all of the day care children twice a day, there is a lot more that Aquaid funds and a lot more that goes on behind the scenes:


WOODWORK TRAINING - cabinets and structures for the building projects, schools and residential facilities.

TAILOR'S SHOP - providing uniforms for the school.

THE GARDENS - Maize and other crops feed the day care children (400 + in Namisu alone). The aim is to make the village self sufficient and provide an income.

FLATPACK WHEELCHAIRS - Self assembly wheelchairs that require only a simple, plastic garden chair!

ELEPHANTISIS - After consultation with the Doctor at Namisu the action decided on was for amputation of the arm.

VILLAGE PASTOR - Pastors hold village communities together and many are sponsored.

MIKE - being funded through university in nearby Zomba.

1 comment:

Radhames German said...

Wao Mike!! me encantan tus fotos Eres realmente muy bueno y aunque no hable ingles, puedes traducir lo básico de este comentario en google. Sabes! soy ilustrador resido en Republica Dominicana y actualmente trabajo para agencias publicitarias y algunos otros clientes. Desearía saber si en algun momento quiero cotizar alguna fotografía contigo ¿Cómo nos contactaríamos? Bueno gracias por tu valiosos tiempo y espero que nos contactemos pronto mi blog es: http://www.portafolioimageup.blogspot.com/ si deseas saber algo de mi o ver mis trabajos. BYE!